Farming in Protected Landscapes
Tuesday 13th of February 2024 | Posted In:

Farming in Protected Landscapes


The Farming in Protected Landscapes programme, a part of Defra’s Agricultural Transition Plan, provides funding opportunities for farmers and land managers in Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs), National Parks, and the Broads. The program aims to support nature recovery, mitigate climate change impacts, enhance cultural heritage, and protect/improve landscape quality. Developed with input from AONBs and National Park staff, the program runs until March 2025.


The program is open to all farmers and land managers within AONBs, National Parks, and the Broads in England, including those from the public, private, and charity sectors. Projects must benefit the protected landscape or align with the protected landscape body’s objectives. Eligible applicants must manage the involved land and have control of proposed activities. Collaboration with other organisations is allowed. Common land and individual/group applications are accepted.

Application Process:

Before applying, discussions with the protected landscape body are recommended. Application forms are available from the relevant protected landscape body, and submissions are accepted until the program closes in 2025. Projects must conclude by March 2025. Applications over £10,000 will be judged by a local panel, while those under £10,000 will be scored by a senior team member not involved in the application process.

What the Programme Will Pay For:

The program funds projects aligned with the protected landscape body's priorities, focusing on climate, nature, people, and place outcomes. Climate outcomes include carbon storage, flood risk reduction, and improved understanding. Nature outcomes involve expanding wildlife-rich habitat, biodiversity, and better habitat management. People outcomes encompass exploration opportunities and public involvement in land management, while place outcomes involve enhancing landscape quality and promoting sustainable farm businesses.

How Much Funding You Can Get:

Funding can cover up to 100% of project costs, with a proportional amount for commercially beneficial projects. The program complements Defra's schemes, and funding is available for projects enrolled in agri-environment schemes without double payment.

How can NFU Energy help?

NFU Energy offer support through our carbon accounting service to help you assess your carbon output and how to begin to reduce or offset them. Our consultancy service fully comprises of:

  • Assisting you in choosing the most appropriate calculator.
  • Advising and helping with the data inputs to ensure that you are getting a representative figure for your business.
  • Analysing your carbon equivalent emissions figure to further explain the results and give quantified recommendations on areas of improvement.

 Ready to apply? Click here.