Wednesday 28th of February 2018 | Posted In: Generate, Generating energy

Winter ends with a flurry for TRIADs

Today is the last day of the TRIAD Season. With the latest TRIAD in history being 15 February in 2016, and daylight extending into teatime, we would normally be thinking it’s all over by now. However, the particularly cold weather this week has turned this on its head and energy suppliers have issued TRIAD warnings every weekday this week. I, for one, have never seen a TRIAD warning on the last day of the season before.

Will we see the latest ever TRIAD this year? Quite possibly yes.

There could also be an interesting twist tomorrow. The TRIAD season will have ended so potentially:

  • Import electricity ‘TRIAD dodgers’ might not turn down
  • Embedded generators (especially diesel generators) might not turn on

So, the UK might yet record its highest electricity demand from the transmission network outside the TRIAD season.