£4million Smaller Abattoir Fund
Tuesday 13th of February 2024 | Posted In:

£4million Smaller Abattoir Fund


The UK Government has introduced the £4 million Smaller Abattoir Fund, a collaborative initiative led by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra), the Rural Payments Agency (RPA), and The Rt Hon Mark Spencer MP. Launched on 13 December 2023, this fund aims to boost sustainability and efficiency in smaller red meat and poultry abattoirs across England. The key objectives include enhancing productivity, improving animal health and welfare, adding value to primary products, and fostering innovation through new technologies.

Application Process:

The application window for the Smaller Abattoir Fund is expected to open in early 2024 and will run until 30 September 2024 or until funds are exhausted. Eligible abattoirs can submit up to three applications, with a maximum funding cap of £60,000 and minimum grant of £2,000 per abattoir business. To apply, abattoirs must clearly demonstrate how their proposed projects align with the fund's objectives, such as improving productivity, enhancing animal health and welfare, adding value to primary products, and encouraging innovation and investment in new technologies.


The SAF will be open to red meat abattoirs processing up to and including 10,000 farmed livestock units (LSU) per annum (i.e., bovines, sheep, goats, pigs, farmed venison), and poultry abattoirs slaughtering up to and including 500,000 birds per annum (i.e., chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks, capons, hens).

The fund supports various capital investments, including cold storage units, to expand refrigeration capacity, enabling abattoirs to increase production rates and reduce waiting times for farmers. The eligibility criteria encompass both mobile and static abattoirs, and the collaboration involves Defra, the Food Standards Agency (FSA), the Abattoir Sector Group, and the meat industry.

How NFU Energy Can Help?

NFU Energy offers support to abattoirs seeking eligibility for the Smaller Abattoir Fund. Through energy efficiency audits, NFU Energy assists in recommending tailored energy-saving measures. Additionally, we provide feasibility studies to assess the viability of integrating renewable energy technologies into the abattoir's energy strategy. Abattoirs are encouraged to partner with us during the application window to enhance their chances of securing funding, contributing to a more sustainable and efficient future.

Want to find out more? Click here.