NFU Energy has been providing expert advice on all aspects of the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) since the scheme was launched in 2011. Throughout this time, we have liaised with Ofgem on legislation, accreditation and sustainability, and dealt with over 1,000 RHI applications for technologies ranging from biomass boilers to biogas CHP and heat pumps. Experienced engineers can provide a personal and professional service for all sizes of installation. We can help guide you through the complex and often changing legislation, as well as clarify the accreditation procedures and timeframes.
RHI applications
- Compliance with RHI regulations from initial design concept to completion and beyond
- Site visits, Schematics and Independent Reports on Metering Arrangements (IRMA)
RHI amendments
- Additions and eligibility of new heat uses, replacement meters, capacity increases, new fuels and change of ownership
- Essential documents including schematics and IRMAs amended
Boiler re-locations
- Re-locating RHI accredited boilers within site, to another business location or a new site and owner
- Withdrawal of the existing and submission of the new RHI applications
Periodic data submissions
- Monthly or quarterly data submissions
- Collation of meter readings and sustainable fuel information
- Regular reports on heat use and RHI payments
Audit preparation and follow up
- Review and collation of all necessary documents
- Responses prepared to queries raised by an auditor
- Responses provided to Ofgem in the event of non-compliances
Annual accreditation RHI HealthCheck
- A check of your installation against Ofgem criteria for eligibility and ongoing compliance
- Review of schematics, meter reading records and fuel records
- Recommendations for actions to ensure continued compliance
- Summary of notable changes to the RHI scheme
Fuel sustainability
- Advice on the most suitable fuel sustainability compliance for your installation
- Biomass Suppliers List (BSL) and Sustainable Fuel Register (SFR) applications
- Fuel measurement and sampling documents and self-reporting
- Greenhouse Gas emissions calculations
- Land criteria evidence collation
Call our dedicated RHI team on 024 7669 8899 for more information on how we can help you with any of these services, or email