How it works
Our dedicated team of experts are ready to check, prepare and submit your data and provide support at every stage.
For systems less than 1 MW
We will gather and check your meter reads and any relevant fuel information to make quarterly submissions to Ofgem on your behalf. We will advise and assist with how you can meet your sustainability requirements.
Systems greater than 1 MW
If you have a system greater than 1 MW, we will make monthly submissions to Ofgem together with meter reads, fuel measurement and sustainability information required. Depending on the type of fuel used, Ofgem will also require lab reports for contamination testing which you will need to complete yourself.
All the way through from receiving your data, undertaking a sense check prior to submission, through to ensuring timely submission for Ofgem review and approval before payments are received, we take care of it all.
How you benefit
Our PDS service is priced dependent on the complexity of the systems you have in place. However, at a fixed monthly price you receive a quality assured PDS service which includes the following benefits:
- A timely submission of periodic data to Ofgem.
- Sense check of data to check for any anomalies ahead of submission to Ofgem.
- A dedicated point of contact.
- Email and telephone support, should you have any queries or need any assistance.
What to do next
If you would like to find out more about how we can help you with your data submissions, please get in touch with the team on 024 7669 6512.