Tuesday, 02 March 2021
Low Carbon Agriculture event logo
Steven Jackson's picture
by Steven Jackson

Low Carbon Agriculture show online: 09-10 March 2021

Low Carbon Agriculture, transformed this year into an online event that begins at 09:30 on 09 March 2021. The event is all about how our NFU net zero ambition will be delivered, through the generation of renewable energy, the implementation of low carbon technology, and best practice in both carbon
Tuesday, 23 February 2021
Sophie Archer's picture
by Sophie Archer

Do you need an Air Quality Assessment?

Are you installing a new combustion plant? Applying for planning permission or an environmental permit for your combustion plant? Do you require an environmental risk assessment?
Friday, 19 February 2021
PDS review
Jon Swain's picture
by Jon Swain

Clean Heat Grant: Now is the time to have your say.

As part of ‘The future support for low carbon heat’ consultation, in April 2020, the Government set out proposals for the Clean Heat Grant. This scheme will provide support for heat pumps, and in targeted circumstances, biomass boilers in both domestic and small non-domestic buildings, through an
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Sophie Archer's picture
by Sophie Archer

The Waste Wood Dilemma

Is your wood fuel increasing in price? Are you struggling to get hold of virgin woodchip at a decent price? Well moving to waste wood may be on your mind, but this could be a costly mistake if you don’t comply with the regulations.
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Thomas Wilkins's picture
by Thomas Wilkins

RHI Extension applications

After attending the Ofgem extension application workshop last week we know more about what to expect and timeframes. The extension applications, until 31 March 2022, are only available to participants that cannot receive a tariff guarantee, this is for:
Tuesday, 16 February 2021
Ben Ablewhite's picture
by Ben Ablewhite

Generators: can EVs help you make the most of your kWh?

From April 2021, ‘embedded generators’ – that covers most on-farm electricity generation – will no longer receive BSUoS payments for electricity exported to the grid, typically reducing export income by about 5%.
Thursday, 11 February 2021
Joshua Robinson's picture
by Joshua Robinson

Am I paying the correct amount of VAT and CCL on my energy bill?

Whilst businesses have to pay VAT and Climate Change Levy (CCL) on their energy costs, certain factors change the amount of VAT and CCL that is charged by the energy supplier.
Tuesday, 09 February 2021
Ben Ablewhite's picture
by Ben Ablewhite

Electric vehicles: is now the time?

As a bit of a car enthusiast working in the energy industry, I’ve followed the progress of electric cars over the last few years with great interest and a reasonable dose of cynicism.
Tuesday, 09 February 2021
Carbon Footprinting
Mike Bond's picture
by Mike Bond

Energy efficiency: not glamorous but essential

The Climate Change Committee recently announced that by 2035, the UK needs to cut its emissions of carbon dioxide by 78% compared to 1990. Previously a similar target had been set for 2050, so this is a call to halve the time taken.
Thursday, 04 February 2021
Solar panels
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

UK holds the ‘highest decarbonisation rate’ in the world for the 21st century so far

Read our top five energy-related news stories from the last couple of weeks. Energy is always in the news in one way or another, from renewable energy technology advancements and the latest from the ‘big six’ energy suppliers to advancements in energy saving and sustainability. In this blog, we


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