Tuesday, 06 September 2022
White AD plant with a blue sky background
by Anonymous

What is the GGSS?

The Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS) takes government support for net zero up a level and picks up from where the Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) scheme for biomethane left off.
Thursday, 18 August 2022
Claire Hartry's picture
by Claire Hartry

DIY Biomass Crops Consultancy – Help us test the EnviroCrops App

NFU Energy is delighted to announce its involvement in a consortium that is building a web app to assist farmers, land managers and consultants to make an informed decision about planting biomass crops such as Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) willow, miscanthus, hemp and Short Rotation Forestry (SRF)
Thursday, 11 August 2022
by Anonymous

Funding approved for the EnviroCrops app – a decision support tool for the biomass sector

We are delighted to announce that the EnviroCrops web app project has been awarded £1.57 million of funding from BEIS through the Biomass Feedstocks Innovation (BFI) Programme. The project is led by the Agri Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI) with support from two energy in agriculture
Tuesday, 09 November 2021
Jon Swain's picture
by Jon Swain

Biomass Policy in our Net Zero future

COP 26 has precipitated a number of government publications setting out strategies for our Net Zero future. One of these has been a Biomass Policy Statement which has been long awaited by many in the energy sector.
Tuesday, 06 October 2020
Sophie Archer's picture
by Sophie Archer

The Right Wood?

For those with biomass boilers, renewable heat is a critical aspect of their business. However, what you buy and use on site can carry more weight than most would think.
Thursday, 18 June 2020
Stack of wooden logs with grey sky
Sophie Archer's picture
by Sophie Archer

Waste Wood Acceptance: The P’s and Q’s

If you burn, or plan to burn, waste wood you need to make sure your site has a procedure in place to check the type and quality of the fuel being delivered. With national shortages of Virgin and Grade A waste wood becoming more frequent across suppliers, it is more important than ever to make sure
Thursday, 11 June 2020
A close up on a pile of wood chip
Sophie Archer's picture
by Sophie Archer

The Right Wood?

For those with biomass boilers, renewable heat is a critical aspect of their business – but what you buy and use on site can carry more weight than most would think.
Thursday, 23 April 2020
Large red biomass boiler with sliver pipes in a greenhouse
Ryan Ward's picture
by Ryan Ward

How to secure a tariff guarantee

The most recent Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) tariff degression occurred on the 31 March 2020, reducing the tariff on ground/water source heat pumps (over 100 kWth) by 10% and the next potential degression will be on the 30 June 2020.
Tuesday, 07 April 2020
A close up on a pile of wood chip
Jon Swain's picture
by Jon Swain

Stay ahead of the game and consider your fuel supply

As we enter the third week of strict restrictions on movement with many businesses working entirely from home, we are beginning to hear reports of difficulties in getting heating fuel supplies, both renewable and non-renewable.
Tuesday, 11 February 2020
Ben Campbell's picture
by Ben Campbell

Carbon as a crop…

The first Woodland Carbon Guarantee (WCaG) auction of the five-year period is currently underway. This incentive scheme is set to increase tree planting rates across the UK and is part of the government’s 25 Year Plan to Improve the Environment. The UK’s commitment to Net Zero by 2050 means storing
