Author: Jenny BeynonTalk to me and the team about renewable energy solutions for your farm
Thursday, 20 June 2019

by Jenny Beynon
Drax, Equinor and National Grid partner to create UK’s first zero carbon cluster
Read our top five energy related news stories from the last couple of weeks. Energy is always in the news in one way or another, from renewable energy technology advancements and the latest from the ‘big six’ energy suppliers to advancements in energy saving and sustainability. In this blog, we Thursday, 06 June 2019

by Jenny Beynon
We are coming to a show near you
It’s that time of year for the annual agricultural shows and we are joining the NFU on their stands at the Royal Cornwall Show and the Royal Welsh Show. Thursday, 16 May 2019

by Jenny Beynon
UK has first coal-free week for a century
Read our top five energy related news stories from the last couple of weeks. Energy is always in the news in one way or another, from renewable energy technology advancements and the latest from the ‘big six’ energy suppliers to advancements in energy saving and sustainability. In this blog, we Tuesday, 30 April 2019

by Jenny Beynon
Storm Hannah arrives in the nick of time
The rain has come just at the right time for anyone thinking about planting Miscanthus this spring. With record breaking temperatures in February and over Easter and wall to wall sunshine, farmland was starting to become worryingly dry. Farmers and gardeners across the UK were metaphorically doing Thursday, 25 April 2019

by Jenny Beynon
All about mushrooms
Today we are representing GrowSave* at the Mushroom Conference and on hand to answer any energy-related questions. The conference aims to bring together the industry during a time of major change, uncertainty and opportunity. Tuesday, 16 April 2019

by Jenny Beynon
New energy suppliers face 'fit and proper' testing
Read our top five energy related news stories from the last couple of weeks. Energy is always in the news in one way or another, from renewable energy technology advancements and the latest from the ‘big six’ energy suppliers to advancements in energy saving and sustainability. In this blog, we Wednesday, 27 March 2019

by Jenny Beynon
Coal is on the way out
Read our top five energy related news stories from the last couple of weeks. Energy is always in the news in one way or another, from renewable energy technology advancements and the latest from the ‘big six’ energy suppliers to advancements in energy saving and sustainability. In this blog, we Tuesday, 12 March 2019

by Jenny Beynon
Join us at BeerX UK 2019
We are excited to be heading to the ACC Exhibition Centre in Liverpool for SIBA’s BeerX UK on Wednesday and Thursday this week. BeerX is the UK’s largest independent craft brewing trade show and is open to SIBA member and non – member breweries alike, as well as representatives from brewing Thursday, 21 February 2019

by Jenny Beynon
Energy: The alternative income stream
What a fantastic two days we had at the NFU Conference this week. Around 1500 farmers descended on the ICC in Birmingham for the NFU Conference 2019 to reflect on the importance of farming and food production in these challenging times. Tuesday, 19 February 2019

by Jenny Beynon
Next Generation Growing – Lessons Learned
Following a successful pilot study group project focused on Next Generation Growing (NGG), GrowSave led a workshop on 14 February 2019, hosted by Mill Nurseries, to share some of the lessons learned. The 25-strong audience comprised growers, crop consultants and industry representatives, all keen
Displaying 81 - 90 (of 144 posts)
Displaying 81 - 90 (of 144 posts)