Tuesday, 20 October 2020
by Jodie Hisgett
Be careful before you say yes
Some of our customers are getting calls from other Energy Brokers who are very persistent in trying to get them to agree to a verbal contract over the phone. They use pressure tactics to their advantage leaving some customers confused and resulting in them being trapped in unfavourable contracts Thursday, 24 September 2020
by Candace Robb
What length of electricity contract should I sign up for?
This is a question that we are asked a lot. In today’s market, the 12-month prices tend to be the cheapest but opting for this term length can leave you exposed to higher prices the next year. The three year deals tend to be on the high side but can see you on a very good tariff by the time you get Tuesday, 01 September 2020
by Jodie Hisgett
Is a cheap energy price really a fair one?
Finding time to check if the contract you are signing really is the best deal can be difficult while running your business. Tuesday, 25 August 2020
by Jodie Hisgett
You too could benefit from NFU member buying power
Using the ever-growing buying power from NFU member’s electricity supplies we can offer competitive electricity prices with trustworthy suppliers through our NFU Electricity Buying Group. Thursday, 30 July 2020
by Jodie Hisgett
Smarter smart metering - the smart choice
By now, you may have heard about a new phase of smart metering being promoted by energy suppliers, however, you might be unsure whether it is something you need for your business. With smart meters in the home giving domestic consumers better control over what they’re using, there are still many Thursday, 25 June 2020
by Candace Robb
Energy contract volume tolerance
What is it, why is it in my contract and how do I avoid charges? On your electricity and gas contracts you may see something that says ‘volume tolerance’ or ‘take or pay’ without much explanation of what this means. It is often overlooked when it comes to signing but is worth taking note of what Thursday, 28 May 2020
by Jodie Hisgett
Life in lockdown: our new working environment
When the UK first went into lockdown due to the COVID-19 pandemic energy suppliers struggled to facilitate socially distanced working and they prioritised emergencies and vulnerable customers. Chances are, getting through to your supplier if you did not fall into these categories was not easy and I Thursday, 16 April 2020
by Jodie Hisgett
Contacting your energy supplier during lockdown
Lockdown has forced a lot of us out of our comfort zones as well as adjust how and where we work. We have been fortunate enough to get our equipment home and continue with business as usual. However, it has not necessarily been the same for energy suppliers. Tuesday, 24 March 2020
by Candace Robb
Supply contracts for new connections
We take the headache out of arranging your supply contract following your grid connection and getting a meter installed. Where do I Start? Tuesday, 18 February 2020
by Jodie Hisgett
A month in the life of our buying group
We helped members save over £1million through cheaper energy contracts last year and now we help save them even more through our NFU Electricity Buying Groups group purchasing. We are gathering as many NFU members as possible and tasking suppliers to give us a bulk price for our groups. This way,
Displaying 31 - 40 (of 88 posts)
Displaying 31 - 40 (of 88 posts)