Monday 24th of June 2024 | Posted In: News and Views

NFU Energy Closes Environmental Incentive Payment Scheme for Beet Growers Due to Overwhelming Demand

NFU Energy recently announced the formalisation of a new pilot program, offering growers enticing incentives for achieving carbon reductions on beet crops in 2024. Due to the overwhelming demand, we have now filled all allocations and fully allocated all possible incentive payments. This closes the current offering to sugar beet growers.

However, we encourage you to register your interest for future opportunities. Such incentives may be available in 2025, and your registration helps NFU Energy demonstrate the demand for these programs, encouraging organisations to consider the benefits of reinvesting back into the supply chain.

Future incentives may not be limited to nitrogen placement for sugar beet growers but could also include other measures that benefit the ecosystem, such as improving water quality, enhancing biodiversity, and reducing carbon emissions.

With a variety of measures to implement, NFU Energy and NFU Sugar can potentially propose alternative measures that align with the organisations' commitments, potentially opening up additional incentives for sugar beet growers.

Person responsible for the agreement

Your registered interest will be picked up by the compliance team, who will contact you in due course.