Friday 1st of December 2017 | Posted In: Generating energy, Renewable energy, Generate

No degression for January 2018

As widely expected, the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) has announced this morning that there will not be any RHI degression for any of the eligible technologies coming into effect on 01 January 2018. Therefore the current tariffs will be applicable until 31 March 2018.

Examination of the data reveals a peak in RHI applications of biomass systems over 1MW in October, which will be a direct result of the alignment of biomass tariffs in September. There was also a notable reduction in the number of applications overall, but this was not a significant number. Following an adjustment to the budgets, the whole scheme is now under budget, where previous to the changes rolled out in September, the scheme was over budget. This means that any degression announcements in March 2018 will likely be only for 5%, assuming there isn’t a sudden surge of applications over the next couple of months.

For more information from BEIS about this (non) news please click here