REA ANNOUNCEMENT: 'Following conversations between BEIS and the REA, along with submissions of evidence from ourselves and other stakeholders, concerning projects facing delays to their commissioning deadlines due to COVID, BEIS have confirmed they will put in place a 12-month extension to the commissioning deadline, from 31 March 2022 to 31 March 2023.
Those with TGs 2 or 3, or Tariff Extensions, will all now have to 31 March 2023 to commission. Members should note that Tariff payments will continue to stop by 31 March 2041. So, the extension will cut into the period of the tariff payment.
We are very pleased that BEIS have listened to our urgent request that the extension also applies to biomethane projects that are not eligible under the Green Gas Support Scheme (GGSS), which opened to applicants in November last year. BEIS have confirmed that "the extension will include biomethane projects who could not become eligible for the GGSS". Ofgem will provide guidance in due course on what evidence biomethane plants should submit regarding GGSS ineligibility.
The extension applies automatically to existing eligible applications and the NDRHI will remain closed to new applications. Cancelled or withdrawn applications will not be re-opened or extended.'
Call our dedicated RHI team on 024 7669 8899 for more information on how we can help you comply, or email [email protected].