Tuesday, 15 January 2019
by Anonymous

The world of energy… what is going to happen in 2019?

So much is meant to be happening in 2019 and if I truly knew what the energy markets were going to do, I would have been a commodities trader and made so much money I would have retired by now! However here are a few of my musings…  Energy Markets
Thursday, 10 January 2019
Oli Coe's picture
by Oli Coe

Feed-in Tariffs... life in the old dog yet?

Back in the summer of last year, the Government announced the closure of the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme in its entirety, meaning that there would be a lack of support for small scale renewables from March this year (see my other blog here).
Tuesday, 08 January 2019
by Anonymous

The world of energy: what happened in 2018?

So much happened last year within the world of energy and blogs are meant to be short, aren’t they… However here are my thoughts in brief… Energy markets
Thursday, 03 January 2019
Oli Coe's picture
by Oli Coe

Sending food to Space

Towards the end of last year, negotiators gathered in Poland for the UN Climate Change Conference to discuss possible measures to halt global warming, whilst news emerged of a projected carbon emissions increase of more than 2% (compared with a 1.6% rise last year).
Thursday, 20 December 2018
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

Forget flying reindeer…

Read our top five energy related news stories from the last couple of weeks. Energy is always in the news in one way or another, from renewable energy technology advancements and the latest from the ‘big six’ energy suppliers, to advancements in energy saving and sustainability. In this blog, we
Tuesday, 18 December 2018
Oli Coe's picture
by Oli Coe

Introducing Eirinn…

Our team is growing rapidly and Eirinn Rusbridge recently joined our team of engineers. In this blog, he introduces himself and tells us about his past experience, over to you Eirinn…
Thursday, 13 December 2018
Ed Hardy's picture
by Ed Hardy

It’s the most... expensive time of the year

As the winter sets in and the days get colder and shorter, maintaining a productive growing environment can be a challenge. For those targeting year-round production, keeping crops warm and well-lit, this can be an expensive time of year with high heating and electricity bills.
Tuesday, 11 December 2018
Steven Leil's picture
by Steven Leil

Climate Change Levy rate set to increase in April 2019

With the upcoming closure of the Carbon Reduction Commitment Energy Efficiency Scheme (known as the CRC), in April 2019, almost every business will see a significant increase in their energy costs. As the government loses revenue from one scheme, it was decided an increase in Climate Change Levy (
Thursday, 06 December 2018
Andrew Morbey's picture
by Andrew Morbey

Hydrogen in the gas network

In May 2018, Cadent announced it would build the UK’s first large-scale hydrogen network (HyNet), which will serve Cheshire, Merseyside and Greater Manchester. They are proposing to inject hydrogen into the current natural gas pipe network, creating a gas mixture of approx. 20% hydrogen and 80%
Tuesday, 04 December 2018
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

Save up to 10% on your electricity contract prices

Our most recent NFU Electricity Buying Group came to a close recently. We are just finalising the numbers but so far it seems to be as popular as ever and it won’t be long until we launch our next quarter group. These buying groups are open to NFU Members and here is how you could benefit from


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