Author: Thomas WilkinsTalk to me about energy compliance schemes to help meet your obligations.
Tuesday, 12 November 2019

by Thomas Wilkins
Electricity generation owners must act now
Owners of equipment capable of exporting electricity to the grid are required to ensure that their grid protection equipment is compliant with current regulations. In the past, that’s meant the G59 standard which has recently been superseded by G99. Tuesday, 11 September 2018

by Thomas Wilkins
Replacing your RHI system
Ofgem has announced a significant change to the RHI scheme to be effective from the 01 October. This change will allow participants to replace accredited heating systems such as boilers, engines and heat pumps so long as they retain the same technology category and participants accept the Tuesday, 18 July 2017

by Thomas Wilkins
Heating of the Olympic village
I recently visited the Olympic Park in Stratford, London to view their district heating system, which consists of a biomass boiler, four gas boilers and three gas Combined Heat and Power units. The heat produced by the heating system is used to heat approximately 50 buildings across the site, Wednesday, 10 May 2017

by Thomas Wilkins
Medium biomass RHI degressions highly likely
BEIS has confirmed that the RHI regulatory reforms were not laid before Parliament and that the scheme will continue in its current form for now. This means that the 1st July 2017 degression assessment will be based on the January 2017 budget figures. Friday, 05 May 2017

by Thomas Wilkins
Continuous electrical supply from renewable technologies
One of the biggest problems with electrical renewable energy generation is the fluctuations in power that can be produced. Solar panels only really produce any meaningful power during the day, when it is sunny, and wind turbines only when the wind is blowing within the set wind-speed parameters. Tuesday, 31 May 2016

by Thomas Wilkins
The latest degression announcement from DECC
DECC have just announced the tariffs for the Non Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive scheme, which will be effective from 1st July 2016. Small biomass, continuing to be hit by the degressions, will be decreasing by 10%. Monday, 20 July 2015

by Thomas Wilkins
All LEGO bricks to be green
LEGO are to start a $150 million, 15 year study, to move from their petroleum based plastic product to a sustainable alternative. For an environmentally friendly LEGO fan this news makes for good reading.
Displaying 31 - 37 (of 37 posts)
Displaying 31 - 37 (of 37 posts)