Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Tay Bishop's picture
by Tay Bishop

Easy sustainability reporting for non-wood biomass

As a result of greater scrutiny from environmental non-governmental organisations, it has become a necessity for the bioenergy industry to demonstrate that biomass fuel is obtained from sustainable and legal sources and does not have a harmful environmental impact.
Tuesday, 20 December 2016
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

2020 is fast approaching!

In the world of energy and climate change, 2020 marks a significant milestone. In accordance with the Renewable Energy Directive, the UK is mandated to produce 15% of its energy from renewable sources. With a starting point of 1.3% in 2005, one of the lowest in the EU, that target might have seemed
Thursday, 08 December 2016
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

Join us at Energy Now

We will be at Energy Now Expo on the 8th and 9th February 2017, at Telford International Centre. Come and see us on the NFU Energy Service stand number 105.
Wednesday, 07 December 2016
Andrew Kneeshaw's picture
by Andrew Kneeshaw

The power of people

We have launched our musical video Christmas card, after discovering that a third of our staff are accomplished (well, maybe pretty good) musicians.
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Tay Bishop's picture
by Tay Bishop

January 2017 RHI degression announced

Small, medium and large biogas has continued its tariff nose dive with another 25% reduction for all sizes; not surprising as this technology is more than 400% over budget. Biomethane has been reduced by 10%. Small biomass has had another nibble from its tariff with another 5% reduction.
Thursday, 24 November 2016
Andrew Kneeshaw's picture
by Andrew Kneeshaw

Wake up and save some money!!!

We’re doing a series of energy audits, at the moment, for some sizable energy using clients of one of our corporate customers. They’ve included numerous factories, offices, call centres, farms and workshops all over the country, from the South Coast all the way up to Scotland.
Friday, 28 October 2016
Tay Bishop's picture
by Tay Bishop

Renewable energy’s part of the big picture

Ofgem has recently released some statistics about sustainable energy in Britain, and it makes for interesting reading. According to these figures, 23% of UK electricity is from renewable sources, which is 21% of the contribution from coal-fired power stations.
Tuesday, 25 October 2016
Tay Bishop's picture
by Tay Bishop

SFR provides greater traceability

We recently attended the Wood Heat Association members meeting in Birmingham and, following discussions about the future of the Biomass Suppliers List, it became clear that the industry is concerned about the traceability and integrity of sustainable fuels.
Tuesday, 18 October 2016
Tay Bishop's picture
by Tay Bishop

Registrations at the ready

The Sustainable Fuel Register (SFR) is about to receive Secretary of State Approval and is almost ready to accept online registrations!
Thursday, 13 October 2016
Oli Coe's picture
by Oli Coe

Iceland – keeping itself warm

Why would you want to go somewhere hot and sunny for your summer holidays? When you could take in the delights of a Scandinavian country, such as Iceland, which is what I did recently.
