Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Elisa Evans's picture
by Elisa Evans

RHI Biogas tariff degression

DECC have released the latest forecast for estimated, committed Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) expenditure for the next 12 months. The ‘Biogas’ data from DECC’s forecast is applicable to AD clients, and it suggests that the Biogas combustion tariff will decrease by a minimum of 5% from 1 April 2016
Monday, 25 January 2016
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

Renewable energy storage in the UK

Western Power Distribution has committed to investigate the technical and commercial feasibility of battery energy storage within distributed generation installations in the UK. As a result, they have commissioned Renewable Energy Systems (RES) to build and support its first major UK battery energy
Tuesday, 19 January 2016
Oli Coe's picture
by Oli Coe

Waste not, want not

Recently, satellite data from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has estimated that approximately 3.5% of the world’s natural gas supply is wasted by flaring. Flaring is used in gas and oil fields where it is not economically justifiable to capture and use it, for example
Friday, 15 January 2016
Max Knowles's picture
by Max Knowles

Winter is here

Following an unseasonably warm December, we might be forgiven for forgetting that winter isn’t just an ‘end of year’ season, it’s with us right the way through ‘til February.
Tuesday, 22 December 2015
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

How is the ISS powered?

Watching UK astronaut, Tim Peake, blasting off to start his 6 months aboard the International Space Station (ISS) was very exciting and it has been entertaining to watch the video footage of him adjusting to life in space.
Wednesday, 09 December 2015
Andrew Kneeshaw's picture
by Andrew Kneeshaw

Solar power with a difference

There has been a push from the Paris energy summit to work on technical solutions to the carbon emissions problem. Solar power has been a key contributor so far, but continuity of supply and energy storage is the big challenge. Here’s an idea from the States that addresses the problem.
Thursday, 15 October 2015
Elisa Evans's picture
by Elisa Evans

A taste of the Orient

During my recent holiday to the Far East I experienced why Japan has a reputation for being the worlds’ technology leader. I spied some regenerative braking on an electric train and travelled by maglev bullet train from Tokyo to Kyoto past the Panasonic Solar Ark.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Tay Bishop's picture
by Tay Bishop

Be prepared for fuel sustainability

The fuel sustainability requirements for renewable heat incentive (RHI) are getting near. All participants should be aware that the regulations come into effect on 5th October, and will apply to all fuels used in accredited systems from this date.
Tuesday, 25 August 2015
Max Knowles's picture
by Max Knowles

Google's quick solar check

The market for domestic solar panels has exploded in the past few years, with a huge array of companies providing a multitude of design and financing options for those looking to lower their utility bills and do their bit for the environment.
Thursday, 13 August 2015
Oli Coe's picture
by Oli Coe

Manure put to extraordinary uses

I was reading the other day about an Anaerobic Digestion (AD) plant at Castelbosco farm, Italy. The farm has built a whole museum, aptly named the ‘Museum of S**t’, which showcases the extraordinary uses, art and history of organic material, both in human history and within nature.
