NFU Energy conduct Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) Audits (i.e 'HealthChecks') to ensure participants are keeping up with their ongoing obligations and to advise on improvements. Over the last few years one of the areas Ofgem audits have focused on is drying floors and evidencing that the heat used on a drying floor was used for eligible purposes.
No matter what the product being dried: grain, straw, grass, paper pulp, etc. drying records are required. These should include (at a minimum):
We have seen a participant who had a lack of drying records and had their RHI payments suspended for 18 months while Ofgem reviewed the documentation and requested further evidence. Unfortunately delays to payments are not uncommon if evidence on an Ofgem audit is required.
NFU Energy helps participants to remain compliant and reduces payment delays due to noncompliance’s by reviewing paperwork and checking the installation against the application.
Call us today to arrange your RHI HealthCheck on 024 7669 8899.