Friday, 04 March 2016
Jenny Beynon's picture
by Jenny Beynon

Sustainable Fuel Register is launched

Earlier in February, the Sustainable Fuel Register (SFR) was launched at Energy Now Expo 2016. This reporting scheme will bridge the gap between fuel sustainability reporting and non-wood fuel users, just as the BSL does for wood biomass fuels.
Friday, 19 February 2016
Tay Bishop's picture
by Tay Bishop

The future of BSL discussed by industry reps

I recently visited DECC, along with representatives from the wood fuel industry, to discuss our experiences with the Biomass Suppliers List (BSL) and ways in which it could be improved for the future.
Wednesday, 17 February 2016
Elisa Evans's picture
by Elisa Evans

RHI Biogas tariff degression

DECC have released the latest forecast for estimated, committed Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) expenditure for the next 12 months. The ‘Biogas’ data from DECC’s forecast is applicable to AD clients, and it suggests that the Biogas combustion tariff will decrease by a minimum of 5% from 1 April 2016
Friday, 27 November 2015
Oli Coe's picture
by Oli Coe

Governments spending review in a nutshell

The Government has published the autumn spending review. Here are the main points concerning energy.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Tay Bishop's picture
by Tay Bishop

Be prepared for fuel sustainability

The fuel sustainability requirements for renewable heat incentive (RHI) are getting near. All participants should be aware that the regulations come into effect on 5th October, and will apply to all fuels used in accredited systems from this date.
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Elisa Evans's picture
by Elisa Evans

Fuel measurement sampling for RHI

We are making sure we are fully prepared to help you maintain your ongoing obligations following accreditation to the Renewable Obligations (RO) scheme and the Non-Domestic Renewable Heat Incentive. Two of our engineers, Jon Swain and Oli Coe, will be attending the OFGEM Fuel Measurement Sampling (
